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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Oregon, a shadow of it's former self

 I have lived in Oregon most of my life, it is a shadow of it's former self. The political leadership on all sides are corrupt. We could say it is the Democrats fault for being in control for so long. We could say it is the Republicans fault for not standing up and saying, enough,this needs to stop. We could say it is our fault for letting it go so far. Perhaps it is every ones fault. Our state was once one of the most Godly beautifull places in the united states. People laugh at us because Portland is a toilet, it has leaders who are immoral and corrupt. It is filthy and riddled with crime. Every day it get worse,the police are afraid to do their job. Not afraid of being shot or killed, but afraid of being fired for doing the right thing. It is time we took a stand against crooked leaders who seek to remove our God given rights. Time to stand against a crooked govenor, a crooked house and a crooked senate. Where are the real men? Men who do what is right reguardless of what it cost them? I urge you, to stand against these things by writing to your leaders, tell them it is enough. Thanks for listening. Steve

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