If you have to be right (correct) every time, there is a problem. What if being right has to do with standing up for your ideals? Then is it a problem? What if a man makes a stand for " that which is considered right by his group of peers,or his country, then what? Standing up for the little guy is not wrong. Defending someone who can not defend themselves is not wrong. Defending someone who will not fight against a group of bullies is not wrong. Now is the time we must take a stand, decide what you believe and defend that view. This is still America, one man can still make a differance. Thanks for listening. Steve
Talk about a way of life that seems to have passed away,but should be rekindled as soon as possible.
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Saturday, November 27, 2021
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Greed sells
Tomorrow is thanksgiving, it does not feel like it. There has been Christmas stuff in the stores for over a month. What has happened to people that they have become so greedy? Is money so important that we have to break all of the traditional rules? Rules like, christmas stuff goes on the shelves 2 weeks before thanks giving. Rules like, we do not play Christmas music before black friday. Some things should not change. Some things are so important, they should always be the same. Our world is crumbling around us, perhaps it is because we have let go of tradition. Perhaps changing thanksgiving and Christmas is a mistake. Thanks for listining. Steve
Friday, November 19, 2021
Because the rains have come, and because we have had more than normal, folks think we are ok. We are not ok, Oregon has received 21 years of less than normal rainfall. The drought is not going away. We are going to have to change the way we live. Use less water, cut less trees and learn to conserve what we have. We will have to learn to farm differantly. Use less irrigation, and utalize more efficient systems. Thanks for listening. Steve
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Oregon Taxes
Our Oregon government leaders are always complaining about not having enough tax money to run things. Next year they have increased the license and tag fees on your car. They have also raised the gas tax. This year the stste of Oregon has a 585 million dollar surplus in the tax coffer. They still feel it is important to raise our taxes on as many things as possible. This maxes it much harder for families with children to make it. When taxes raised in the state of Oregon exceed 2 percent of expected revenue, the state is required to kick back the surplus to the tax paying citizens. We should ask our selves why we choose or keep leaders that care so little about us. Thanks for listening. Steve
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
No clear evidence
Despite the lack of clear evidence showing mask do little to stop the spread of the virus covid 19, our state officials insist on enforcing an illegal mandate requiring us to wear them. It is time to replace that kind of leadership. Our state is going right down the toilet and these power hungry fools can not see the damage they cause. If we stand together we can make a change. Vote out every person in office, get new blood. That my friends is our only chance at change. Thanks for listening. Steve
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Oregon's Governor
Oregon and it's power hungry governor have caused a lot of concern to the citizens who live there. The near constant bickering between health officials about the rules or lack there of, concerning wearing a mask, have grown tiresome for many. My main gripe is simply this. It is not the job of government to keep the citizens healthy. Sure medical matters fall under state jusisdiction, but what is happening to us is clearly government over reach. When it affects the local and state economy and folks can not freely operate a business, the heavy handedness needs to stop. Perhaps now is the time to rebell against this oppression to a man. Remember united we stand, divided we fall. Thanks for listening. Steve
Monday, November 15, 2021
Before covid 19
Before covid 19 came along all of us got colds and flu. We conducted our business that had to be done, some times by doping up on cold meds. We were pretty much carefull to not spread things back an forth. Now every thing is differant, we are treated like you may have the plague. Even though recent information has shown, covid to be no more dangerous than a common flu. When will we return to reason, using common sence? This has to change folks, lets go back to normal. Thanks for listening. Steve
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Home Less population
Every big city seems to have severe problems with people sleeping in the streets. Tents pitched every where, trash every where, filth and sickness. How can it be fixed? There are several laws enacted in almost every city that are not being enforced that would help with the problem. Laws against loitering, against stealing, against littering. If enforced they would help greatly. Stealing shoping carts is a crime. If arrested for these crimes, it would make these people want to steer clear of town. Cutting off the free food would help too. What ever happened to the great Bible principal of no work. No eat? Some times folks need a hand up, but just till they can get on their feet, not forever. Support our police, let them do their jobs. Things worked better when they did. Thanks for listening. Steve
Friday, November 12, 2021
My Brothers Keeper
In the first book of the Bible we read the story of Cain and Able. How Cain killed Able, and God asked Cain where Able was. He answered and said " am I my brothers keeper"? In a word, we are all brothers, we are all connected to each other some how. So to speak, we are our brothers keeper. Why is it so hard for us to get along, so hard to care about each other? If we all treated each other the way we want to be treated, what a world that would be. Tomorrow when you wake up, think about the golden rule. Do to others the way you want to be treated. Smile, say thank you, say please and remember, we are our brothers keeper. Thank for listening. Steve
Thursday, November 11, 2021
God sees it all.
Our leaders do not understand, corruption can be hidden from men, but God sees it all. I have met men who claim to not believe in God. In the end when faced with death those same men cry out to God. Every one believes, some just take longer to admit it than others. The leaders will be held accountable for what they have done, good, bad, all of it. Perhaps it is time for the fear of God to return to mens lives. It was what held us accountable, kept us in line, so to speak. We all must do our best every day, knowing when we lay down to sleep, we did our best. Thanks for listening. Steve
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Encourage others
Todays times are scary and stressfull for many. What was certain in times past is uncertain now. We must not quit, nor retreat, we must regroup and move forward in faith. Religion can and should encompass everyone. Anyone who thinks they have all the answers is in big trouble. It takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to build an maintain ones faith. We must encourage each other today, while it is yet today, that spite and sin do not harden our hearts. I have never met a man or woman who did not need something from someone else. We need friends, companionship, we are designed by God to be that way. Have faith and be of good cheer we will be alright. Thanks for listening. Steve
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Leaders as examples
Our leaders should be an example to us. If you want anyone to follow, you lead by example. What happens if our current leaders are not even decent people? Do we throw caution to the wind and follow them anyway? I say the time is at hand to use our God given common sence. Mine tells me our current president and administration is off their rocker. This is America, our rights are God given. We have choices and Biden wants to take them away. We need to cast out all incumbants and get fresh blood in office. Thanks for listening. Steve
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Today I finished writing a 6 page hand written letter to the head of my political party. They had sent out a survey to people of their party. They wanted answers to the survey questions, but the survey was designed to get only answers they wanted. I wrote the letter by hand and answered every question carefully giving a reason for my answers. I explained to them that the survey sucked and it afforded me no true way to give honest answers. Perhaps they will read it, perhaps they will throw it away. It made me feel better because I gave honest answers and I gave it my best shot. In life all we can ever do is give it our best shot. I can sleep at night knowing I am poor, but kind and honest to every one. Thanks for listening. Steve
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Oregon, a shadow of it's former self
I have lived in Oregon most of my life, it is a shadow of it's former self. The political leadership on all sides are corrupt. We could say it is the Democrats fault for being in control for so long. We could say it is the Republicans fault for not standing up and saying, enough,this needs to stop. We could say it is our fault for letting it go so far. Perhaps it is every ones fault. Our state was once one of the most Godly beautifull places in the united states. People laugh at us because Portland is a toilet, it has leaders who are immoral and corrupt. It is filthy and riddled with crime. Every day it get worse,the police are afraid to do their job. Not afraid of being shot or killed, but afraid of being fired for doing the right thing. It is time we took a stand against crooked leaders who seek to remove our God given rights. Time to stand against a crooked govenor, a crooked house and a crooked senate. Where are the real men? Men who do what is right reguardless of what it cost them? I urge you, to stand against these things by writing to your leaders, tell them it is enough. Thanks for listening. Steve
Monday, November 1, 2021
Let's Go Brandon
I heard someone say this a few days ago. I had no idea what they meant untill I saw an explanation on the news. People find that phrase offensive, perhaps if Biden made better decisions folks would not say those things. I have never seen someone at the very top of the food chain, who was so lacking in common sence. It is also well known that he has never had a real job. I find it amazing that if you added up all the years of payment he has received as a congressman, it would never be as much as his bank account. News flash folks, that means he is as crooked as a dogs hind leg.
We will talk a lot on here about what a leader should be like. Biden is a good example of what a leader should not be. They must be honest, without reproach, a member in good standing in their community, and preferably a man of great faith. Elections will be comming up next year for congress. Vote carefully, choose wisely, based upon honor, honesty, good citizenship and a person of good character. Thanks for listening. Steve