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Friday, December 10, 2010

Where have all the real men gone?

Two years ago the country elected Obama as the president believing that he could bring about real change. Well the change has come and no one likes it even his own democrats have began to turn against him. What we need is a real man in charge one who would be a hero,one who never gives up when the chips are down. Where have all the real men gone to? We used to have hero's men that could be counted on to take charge when needed. Men that never asked for the spotlight to be on them,men who never ask for any thanks or any applause. They were just like anyone else until they were needed then they became leaders of men. They became hero's because that is what we needed them to be,they led by example. Some of these were men like Mr. Rogers or Captain Kangaroo these were some of the most decorated war hero's. Most people never knew of their bravery or of their unselfish sacrifice for their country. Yet they were hero's and when there job was done they again became regular ordinary men. Where are you real men? Heed our call we need you now as never before. Thanks for listening. Steve

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you run? The Cowart administration, sounds good to me!
