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Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Flu

 Pre 2019 people got the flu. Then no one got any thing except covid 19. Now all of the sudden lots of people are getting the flu. How come I am the only one who finds this strange? We have been bamboozled folks. Covid was over blown. Perhaps now it will level out. Thanks for listening. Steve

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Divide and conquer.

 A good leader will know that to conquer, you must first divide. That is what is happening to us in this country. No one can get along anymore, we are as divided as we were during the civil war. What must we do to survive and be restored to our once great nation? It must start with me,it must start with you. Thanks for listening. Steve

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Angels watching us

 Ever wonder if angels are real? The Bible speaks of them in many places. It talks about how they look and what jobs they have. I have seen them myself, but not for many years. We each have one that watches over us. He comes when we need him, sometimes we are allowed the privledge of seeing one, mostly they work and we never see them. They are there anyway, whether we see them or not. Thanks for listening. Steve

Monday, December 27, 2021


 The snow is like God, or maybe the spirit of God. It like the blood of christ is all covering. It makes all things new, covers everything. It has a special beauty all of itself. We know it comes along every once in a while. We must learn to enjoy it while it is here. A part of the seasons, a part of life. May we look forward to change.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry christmas

 Merry christmas to all. Christmas comes but once a year. It is considered a special time of year, some say, the most wonderfull time of the year. Christmas is burried deep in the heart of each of us. We bring it out and share it with others at this time of the year. Perhaps it would be best if we keep Christmas just where we could share those feelings with others, all through the year. Thanks for listening. Steve

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Here we go again.

 The governor of the formerly great state of Oregon has extended a state of emergency due to potential covid out break. This is foolishness, using a complete lack of common sence. It is time for us to rise up against government over reach, against abuse of power. I refuse to be herded like sheep. I refuse to be told lies which I know are not true. Vaccinations will not slow the spread of this virus. Besides it is not anymore dangerous than the common flu. Thanks for listening. Steve.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

What is Christmas?

 What is Christmas? To ask that question you would think me crazy. Every body knows what Christmas is, or do they. To some Christmas is Santa Claus and presants with snow. To others it is the birth of the savior, The Lord Jesus, son of God. I think Christmas is deep in the heart of every man and woman. A time of reflection, a time of joy, a time for family. You see it means something differant to each of us. There is no wrong, nor correct way to see it. This year, ask your self, what is christmas to me? Perhaps you know, perhaps you still seek. Thanks for llistening. Steve.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Covid 19 or 20 or 21

 Oregon being only 1 of a few states that has take government abuse of power into overdrive, gives little information on when mask mandates will expire. Will it still go on in 2022? There is no scientific backing that masking works, in fact the data shows it make no differance. Sweeden has a proper approach to covid. Stay home if your sick, were not sick so we do not need to wear a mask. Thanks for listening. Steve

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Getting old

 I remember watching old people when I was in grade school. I thought, when I get old, that stuff is not going to happen to me. Guess what? It did happen to me, perhaps I may be more healthy than lots of other older folks. It also depends on what your defination of old is. When in my early 30's old was 45. When I got to 45 old was 60, now in my 60's old is 75. Life and age is mostly about your perspective. Thanks for listening. Steve

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Truth

 How can the truth be taken from us? The greatest problem that we face today, is the truth has been taken from us. Our journalist print what they want you to believe, not what is true. Even when confronted with the truth, they choose to twist it an produce something they are comfortable with. Unless our reporters return to the basic facts of a story or news item, we are doomed. The truth will become a thing of the past. Never forget, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Thanks for listening. Steve

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Hope is all we have

 When our world crumbles around us, do we ask God where he is? Do we say why have you hidden your face from us? The bendiction says the Lord make his face to shine upon us. Do we feel he has taken that from us? All we have left is hope. Perhaps he is hiding in hope. I trust that is it. Thanks for listening. Steve

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Christmas all year long

 Why is everyone nice at Christmas? It is suposed to be the most wonderfull time of the year. What if we were nice all year long, not just at Christmas time? Wouldn't that be nice, perhaps we can think about that a bit. Thanks for listening. Steve

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

How long will this go on?

 Many are so tired of hearing about covid-19. It is get the shot or every one will get sick. Lots of folks will die, wear mask, get boosters. How long are we expected to under go this load of bull? After most every one gets the shots, they invent another kind of virus, then they want u to get more shots. No thanks, I think we are being hood winked. No more shots for me. Thenks for listening. Steve