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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Portland a once beautifull city.

 Today we continue our story about Portland Oregon. The mayor and the city leaders make decisions that are poorly thought out, not based on common sence. This once Godly nation is headed right down the toilet. Portland is a prime example. I live in Oregon, and I visited Portland last December. The city was filthy, trash and homeless people every where. I went to Pioneer court house square. The court house, a federal building was so badly damaged I almost did not reconize it. The windows were either all broken out, or boarded up. Many of the address numbers on buildings were torn off by vandels. The mayor has quit supporting the police, even cutting funding for their department. He then gave that same funding to a seperate racial group in Portland. The same one that is less then 20 percent of the population of America, but has the loudest cry for racial injustice. Where are the good men, the Godly men, who do the right thing? Some times we do the right thing simply because it id the right thing, and it is usually not easy. Good leaders never quit, they simply regroup and try a differant way. How can we help find good solutions to return to what works. Thanks thanks for listening. Steve

Friday, October 29, 2021

Portland oregon a once proud city.

 October 29th,2021.

The once proud, once beautifull city. What has happened to Portland that has made folks afraid of going there? It has been said that a company is only as good as the people who work for it.  Lets pretend for a moment that Portland is a company. That would mean the mayor is head of the company, followed by the city government and the council. The former and current mayors are not decent human being, much less fit for public service. A leader should be without reproach. Both of these people have no idea who they are, where they come from, or what they stand for. A leader must  " stand for something" or they will fall for any thing. Our leaders must have grit, know the differance between right and wrong. The mayor has been guilty of strong arm tatics, including trying to blockade business with texas because of his personal beliefs. We will continue tomorrow. Thanks for listining. Steve

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 Every year I marvel at the beauty of fall. God the creator is a God of infinate variety and imagination. Were we to be given a paint brush and told to choose the colors of fall, it would be rather limited. To think no two leaves are the same, not in size nor color. How can one look at the colors of fall and deny that God exhists? To see nature in all its glory and say, it just happened by its self is to deny our own creation. Thanks for listining. Steve

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


 I have never seen this country so divided as it is today. We are divided over covid 19 worse than any thing since the civil war. It divided whole towns,families and a nation. The same thing is happening now. We stand divided over getting a shot,over whether the virus is real. There is no doubt that it is real, but is it dangerous? Is is more of a threat than the common flu? An interesting point is that in 2018 you could look up the cdc web site, either by seperate state or national. One could easily see deaths broken down by differant diseases. You could see how many folks died of what. Some where in 2019 folks quit dieing of almost everything except covid 19. We know that is not true, but they lumped almost everything together. That means we are expected to believe what they tell us. Now no one can tell or see the truth. Think about that a little bit. Thanks for listening.steve

Friday, October 22, 2021

The rain has come

 Oregon has been hit hard with the drought. Much of the forrest has burned. The farmers and ranchers are struggling to stay ahaid. Many have been forced to sell all of their livestock, or to drastically reduce their herds. The rain has come again, it looks like our beloved Oregon,greening up again. There is great hope that the rain will ease the drought and catch us up in the water year. I know that God controls every thing and he is still in charge. Have a great evening, thanks for listening.

Much has changed.

 Much has changed in my life. I was married nearly 42 years. Then I found myself divoraced. That was a little over 2 years ago. I recently remarried to a kind gentle woman who is several years older then me. My exwife was a good woman, we just grew apart over the years and were on differant paths in life. Now I am older and far less judgemental of others. I have started over and am now retired. My perspective of life is far differant. What used to be important, is no longer so. Money is now a tool not a driving factor in my life. Thanks for listening, steve.